Prototype & Design
Grounded by the concept of calm technology and minimalism, we decided on using sphere as the form factor and keep the user interaction simple and intuitive. To minimize users’ overwhelming experience given the fact that many people have multiple screens or devices, this IoT device emphasizes on making the user flow more automatic.

Users who work from home are encouraged to interact with their colleagues by sending positive notes to each other. In a scenario where user A wants to send kudos to user B, A will first select user B on the screen and insert his hand-written note into Bravo. Scanning and sending will then follow automatically. User B will have the note from A automatically printed, and interaction among the team will be visualized on the display screen in real time.

Frontend & Backend UX Design & Dev
The frontend user interface displayed on the touch screen enables Bravo’s functionalities including notes capturing, sending, receiving, and printing. Most importantly, it serves as a shared space for team members to gather together virtually — a fun, engaging virtual office! Once the mobile app onboarding process is completed, team members added on the mobile app will appear on the display screen, and Bravo is ready to go. Technology used are MQTT, WebSocket, p5.js, and javascript.
Stage 1 - Default: Team members move freely on the screen when there is no interaction among colleagues. Members collide when bumping into each other in the “virtual office.”
Stage 2 - Reach Out: When user A wants to send a kudo to user B, A clicks on B’s avatar and a popup window appears for A to make a decision. After choosing “Yes,” A can scan the note he/she writes for B, which will then be sent to B and printed automatically.
Stage 3 - Remote Interaction Complete: When B successfully receives the printed note from A, A and B will be attracted to each other and bounce back and forth on the frontend UI, indicating one successful remote interaction. This real-time visualization of a team-scale interaction will be shared on all devices among the team.